Character | Timothy (Villain), Dr. Morris Mowbray, Honey Dale (Planet Reporter and Niece of the Publisher, Introduction), Beaker Beales, Biff Condor, Delmar "Dice" Dimant (Villain, Introduction), Pete Blake (Villain, Tommy's Brother), Paul Bunyan (Introduction, Meets Superman in A Fantasy Tale), Mr. Prentiss (Bank President), Dr. David Brown (Introduction, Death), Mr. Withers (Villain), Major Jonathan Ramsey (Introduction), Mrs. Withers-Wade, Charlie (Villain), Randall Rocksell, Poltus VI Introduction, J. Roger, Soft-Shoe Sapper, Dr. Hiram Carter (Museum Director), Jimmy Tuttle (Introduction), Ike (Villain), Jimmy Olsen Perry White, Ivor Vanton (Cameo, Explorer, Death), Betty Roxmore, Happy (Planet's Camerman, Introduction), Sue, Noonan (Policeman), Mrs. Pendergast, Mrs. Googenslocker, Cheadle, Oberleutnant Karl Brumer, Captain Gale, The Toyman (Winslow Percival Schott As Monsieur Printemps) (Villain), Hans Henkel (Villain, Introduction) , 101% Americanism Society (Villains, Introduction), Emery "Emperor" Auslinger (Villain, Introduction), Pete Potter (His Son), The Rattler (Rex Ratlan) (Villain, Introduction), Toyman (Winslow Schott) (Villain), Fingers Falvey (Villain), Babe (Bunyan's Ox), Mr. Holloway (Store Floor Walker), Carmody (Policeman), Superman (As Clark Kent), Fred Carson, Miss Sparkes, Mr. Mxyztplk, Kenn (Death), Goldie Gates (Villain, Introduction), Larry Thomas, Arch Angler (Villain, Introduction), Dr. J. Stokel, Myrtle Kendall, Tornadi (Villain), Mrs. Hoops (His Mother), Jack Dover (As Parsons) (Villain, Introduction), Clip Gimmick (Villain), Mrs. Wingate, Jimmy Olsen (Cameo), Bertha Bigge, Jack Height, James Hibbard (Chemical Manufacturer), Pig-Eye (Villain), Mooch, Mart Mink (Villain, Introduction), Lottie Lovemore, Hermann Göring (Villain, Cameo), "Three Finger" Jack Schack (Villain), Sergei, Hercules (Introduction), Jesse Martin, Lame Brain Looie, Rocky Grimes (Villain, Introduction), Jimmy Olsen (Un-Named), Mr. Carter (Carnival Owner), Alphonse Swing (Villain, Theatrical Booking Agent), Dr. Jon Ericsson (Explorer), Smokey (Villain), Handsome Harry Lars (Villain, Introduction), J. Wilbur Wilkin Wolfingham (Villain), Tug Graff, Enemy Submarine Officers, Harvey Stratton (Villain), Squiffy (Villain), Lex Luthor (Villain), Jo-Jo (Villain), Jimmy Olsen, Jackie Barnett, The Kent Brothers (Ted, Ed, Jed, Ned) (Villains, Introduction, No Relation to Clark Kent), Minnie Mannering, King Brpxz and People of Zrfff (Villains, Introduction), Jason, Willie Googenslocker, Matt Worth (Planet's Boss Pressman, Introduction), Chiver, Joe Black Eagle, Samuel Rayburn, Tommy Blake, G. Clamm, Sari Mallon (Introduction, Movie Star), Hydra (Villainous Creature), Hocus (Doc), Ladislow Bulge (Circus Strong Man), Quicksilver Kid (Mercury, God of Speed) (Introduction), Blackie Weever (Villain, Introduction), Fingers Gordon (Villain, Introduction), Dr. David Brown, Jr. (His Son), Pinball Miggsy (Villain, Introduction), Marty O'ghool (Villain, Introduction), Adelbert Dribble, Joseph Goebbels (Villain, Cameo), Easy Pickens (Introduction), Hijack Dorley, Porky (Villain), Mars, Mr. Sniggle, Lee Grandon (Introduction, Sari's Publicity Agent), Flossie, Miss Mentor, Flashback, Sykes, Paddy, Andy Hoops (Introduction, Death), Mary, Captain Webart, J. Wilbur Wilkin Wolfingham, Fancy Dan, Mr. Boyle, Andronicus (Introduction, A Seer, Flashback), Emily (Johnny's Fiancee), Adolf Hitler (Villain), Mr. Bixley, Ben Stanger, Lucius Spruce (The Hobby Napper), Byrd, Toyman, Henry Jones (As Carson Steele) (Geezer's Creator, Introduction), Jimmy Royce, Mercury, Mr. Schultz (Cameo, Butcher), Pocus (Flannelhead), Zeus, Inspector Grogan, Thomas Todd, Mrs. Prentiss (His Wife), Zeke Potter, George Wingate, Van Croft (Villain, Introduction), Mcginnis (Policeman), Uncle Dudley Kent, Battlin' Buffo (Clark Kent), George, Franklin Mallory (Bank President), Amos Amster, Mr. Kite (Bird Trainer), Iole, Busch, Big Joe Reefer (Villain, Introduction), Spike, Trigger (Villain), Tommy Loddy (Cameo), Soapy Waters, Pinky (Villain), Hi-Jack (Jack Jackson, Not the Comanche Moon Artist!) (Villain, Introduction), Nicholas Finelli (Philanthropist), The King's Ministers (Villains), The Thinker, Turtle Baxter, Joe "Hi-Note" Nitro (Ex-Villain, Singer), Sparky Hahn, Ted Swan (Villain, Introduction), Professor Button, Sanford (Planet's Copy Chief, Introduction), Daredevil Dolan (Introduction), Nellie Thornley, Captain Chate (Villain, Introduction), James Joslyn, Gus (Villain), Joe Drew, The Count, Jonathan Spence, Detective Drake, Professor Crane, Dapper, Billy Dolan (His Son, Introduction), Achelous (Villain), Ralph Denning (Builder), Percival Lister (Villain), Ned, Perry White, Ferret, John Nicholas, Al Bandar (Villain), Mr. Gratz (Villain, Introduction), Johnny Poly (King Poltus VII) (Introduction), Van Gildedge, The Prankster, Jimmy Olson (sic), Susie Tompkins (Lois Lane's Niece), Charles Stanton (As Carl Denby) (Banker), Sam Greene (Planet's Foreman of Composing Room, Introduction), Roscoe Rinser, The Tycoon of Crime (Mr. Blob) (Villain, Introduction), Mrs. Loddy (Cameo), Joe (Villain), Murphy, Gunner (Villain), Aces Doonan (Villain, Introduction), Joe, Un-Named Professor (Villain), Un-Named Ventriloquist (Villain), Silver Foxx (Villain, Introduction), Elias Carp (Death), The Prankster (As the Wizard of Wishes) (Villain), Apollo, Cameo: Jimmy Olsen, Mr. Heron (Ski Valley Manager), Martha Hoskins, Snake (Villain), Tommy Allen, Jim Jaspers (Prospector), Ann Lacy (His Nurse), George Cummings (Music Publisher), John Barnett, Chiron (A Centaur), H. Postlethwaite Kent, J. Wilbur Wilkin Wolfingham (Villain, Introduction), Lois Lane, Mr. Mxyztplk (Introduction), Steve Bard (Introduction), Un-Named Police Chief, Flip (Lois' Dog, Introduction), Herman (A Dog Catcher), Mr. Frederick, Hiram Pardee (Introduction), The Lynx (Lester Link) (Introduction), Hank Beaker, Pete Gluyas (Planet's Delivery Truck Boss), Johnny Aesop, Superman (Clark Kent), Crusher (Villain), Reggie Mantle, Leek, Nazi Spies (Villains), Dr. Porter, Doris Dawson, Mr. Mxyztplk (Villain), Sparks Barron (Villain), Mr. Gerkin (Link's Boss), Baby-Face (Villain), Blackie Reese (Villain), Geezer (A Comic Strip Character, Introduction), The Skeptic (Charlie Frost) (villain, introduction, Daily Planet janitor, brother of late Professor Milton Frost), The Water Sprite (Kenneth Darby), Derby Bowser (Villain, Death), Johnny (Villain), Ted, Archides, Hugo (Reefer's Brother), Mr. Grogan, Black Patch, Sappy (Villain), Prankster |