Character | Other Unidentified Crime Gang Members, Captain Cold, Gary (Death), Lex Luthor (Image Only), Dan Didio (Image Only), Red Cloud, Copperhead (Female Version), Batman (Bruce Wayne), Jimmy Olsen, Unnamed Bar Patrons, Other Unidentified Suspects (Image Only), Gummy, Doctor Alchemy (Al Desmond), Blacksmith (Amunet Black), Unnamed Criminal Selling H-Dial, Candy, Girder (Tony Woodward), Weather Wizard (Marco Marden), Justice League Batman (Bruce Wayne), Wonder Woman (Diana Prince), James (Deceased), Trish Q (Photo), Mr. Strong, Boss Moxie (Death), Kal-El, Unidentified Masked Robbers, Yogurt John Bender, Hugo Strange (Image Only), Bug-Eyed Bandit (Bertram Larvan), Lois Lane (Photo), The Question (Vic Sage), Double Down (Jeremy Tell), Kumquat, Guardian (Jim Harper), Yogurt (John Bender) (Death), Lex Luthor, Lois Lane, Lex Luthor (Photo), Brainiac (Image Only), Trish Q, Unidentified Firefighters, Maggie Sawyer, Atom (Ray Palmer) (Photo), Steve Lombard, Unidentified Daily Planet Staffers, Golden Glider (Lisa Snart), Hawkgirl (Kendra Saunders), Whisper, Robinson Goode (Red Cloud), Lettuce, Cat Grant, Fallout (Neil Borman), Cicada (David Hersch), Superman (Clark Kent), Parasite (Image Only), Heat Wave (Mick Rory), Mayor Hopkins, Wonder Woman (Diana of Themyscira) (in Photo Only), Oliver Queen (Photo), Darryl Connors, Unidentified Helicopter Pilot, Unnamed Doctor, Unidentified Metropolis Police Officers, Gummy's Men, Jon Kent (Photo), Lex Luthor (Image on Monitor), Jon Kent (Image on Monitor), Live Wire (Leslie Willis) (Photo), Robinson Goode, Green Lantern (John Stewart), Martian Manhunter (J'onn J'onzz) (Photo), Leone, Melody Moore, Unidentified Kids Playing Football, Perry White, Mister Freeze (Victor Fries) (Image Only), Guardian (Jim Harper) (Photo), Metropolis Citizens, Batman (Bruce Wayne) (Photo), Murmur (Michael Amar), SCOTT |