Hersteller | BOSCH |
Produktart | Lichtmaschine |
Herstellernummer | 1210023OE(3) |
OE/OEM Referenznummer(n) | alternadores alternateur auto pkw, bagger minibagger gabelstapler m�hdrescher, biogas bhkw, kehrmaschine rasenm�her ausitzrasenm�her, lichtmaschine alternator alternatore, stromaggregat motor station�r marine, traktor schlepper trecker oldtimer, transporter lkw baumaschine, transportk�hlung k�hlanlage |
Vergleichsnummer | 0125811039, 0125811040, 5801580941 |
Ampere [A] | 210 |
Pulleys | with freewheel belt pulley |
Number of Ribs | 6 |
Built On | IVECO |
Type Duty | Medium Duty |