Character | Mr. Warren, Mr. Higgins (Cartright's Former Butler, Death), Editor Lane, Squiffles (Villains, Introduction), Maisie Day (Introduction), Oberleutnant Kapff (Villain), Mr. Z (Oscar Lanchester) (Introduction, Villain), Murray Boltinoff (Cameo), Sam Jackson (Dies), Dick Grayson (Cameo), Funnyface (Introduction, Villain), Puzzler (Cameo, Villain), Mabel Dawson (Villain), Susie Tompkins (Introduction), Allen Cartright (Death), Truman Treadwell (Death), The Insect Master (Villain, Introduction, Death), Big Luke (Dies), Mike Chandler (Villain), Robin Hood (Villain, Introduction, Dies), Scott Manning, Prankster (Cameo, Villain), Bosco (Villain), Tom Marin (Introduction), Manley, Solitary Rider (Introduction), Cordell (Villain, Introduction), Jimmy Olsen (Cameo), Charles Clayton (Villain, Introduction), Radio Joe, Ben Graham, Mort Weisinger (Cameo), Dr. Skowl (Villain, Introduction, Death), Dr. Dan Mallory, The Talon (Albert Caldwell) (Introduction, Villain), Morris Masterson (Villain), Colonel Randall (Introduction), Captain Ironfist (Stanley Finchcomb) (Villain, Introduction, Death), Un-Named Talent Agency Secretary, Vortz (Villain, Introduction), The Prankster (Villain, Introduction), Harlow Gates (Dies), Harold Denton (Cartright's Secretary), The Puzzler (Villain), Kelly (Villain), Cal Johnson, Vernon Hale (Villain, Introduction), Adolf Hitler (Villain, Cameo), Lex Luthor (Villain), The Prankster (Villain), The Puzzler (Villain, Cameo), Jimmy Olsen, Hiram Tite, Happy Daze (Introduction), Torgo (Villain), Mr. Murgatroyd, Slats Morgan (Villain, Introduction), Professor Praline (Villain), Captain Zeb Storme, The Night Owl (Villain, Introduction), Lefty (Villain), Conk Kohler (Villain, Introduction), Ultra-Humanite (Cameo, Villain), Glenn Calhoun, The Emperor of America (Villain, Introduction), Morton Thornton, Knuckles (Villain), The Dude (Joseph Martinson) (Villain, Introduction), Whitney Ellsworth (Cameo), The Prankster (Villain, Cameo), Yaeger's Gang (Villains), Carl Bland (Introduction, Villain), Black Jack (Villain), Charlie Goodfellow (Death), Professor Derman (Death), Beetle Brow Macklin (Villain), Emil Loring (Intro), Prince Peril (Introduction), Jake Massey (Introduction, Villain), Lionel Brainard (Introduction, Bernice's Husband), Animated Superman, Bernice Brainard (Introduction, Lois Lane's Aunt), Adonis (John Trevor) (Villain, Intro, Death), Conrad Thorndike, The Snake (Bill Chantey) (Introduction, Villain, Dies), Sir Gauntlet (Caspar Smythe) (Villain, Introduction), Henry Kimball (Death), Spike Yaeger (Villain), Adolf Hitler (Villain), Captain Storme, Peter Fellows, Nat Folsom, Andrew P. Stone, Lieutenant-General Bullitt, Nazi Sympathizers, Rita Allen, Tex O'tagg (Villain), Sammy Brink (Villain, Introduction), Colonel Mcnab, Mike Mosby (Villain), Viper (Villain), Graham (Villain, Introduction), Thaddeus Winton (Dies), Kingsley (Villain, Introduction, Dies), Doctor Menace (Villain, Intro, Death), Mr. Tollivar (Talent Agency Director), Animated Lois Lane, Sgt. Casey, Adonis (Cameo, Villain), Graney (Villain, Introduction, Dies), Herr Fange (Villain, Introduction, Dies), Stan Doborak (Introduction), George, Alex Morrow, Charlie Grayson (Villain, Introduction), Tom Nelson (Villain, Introduction), Dexter, Detective Craig (Introduction), Peter Penn (Artist), Stan Emerson, Myra Hanley, Mr. Golden (Shop Keeper), Jenkins (Villain, Stone's Chauffeur, Death), Jane Cartright (Villain), Jim Cameron, Tom, Sally Carroll (Aka Polly Hughes), Squire Squeazel (Villain), Black Raider (Villain), Skeet Monahan (Introduction, Villain), Mulligan (Detective), Louie Dolan (Introduction), Ultra (Cameo, Villain), Pierre, Ironjaw Grogan (Villain, Introduction) , Lois Lane, Frank Lingle, Goola (Villain), Metalo (Villain, Introduction, Unnamed Scientist-Inventor), Carlyle Allerton (Lex Luthor) (Villain), Luthor (Villain, Cameo), The Puzzler (Villain, Introduction), The Top (Jefferson Smith) (Villain, Introduction), Roger, Professor Raymond Lock (Villain, Introduction), Chick Ryan, Lucy Trent, The Cobra King (Villain, Introduction), Metalo (Villain, Cameo), Batman (Bruce Wayne) (Cameo), Mike Caputo (Villain), Mr. Carroll (Sally's Father), The Toyman (Winslow Percival Schott) (Villain), Perry White, Brigadier General Starrett, Luthor (Cameo, Villain), Jake Clymer, Mrs. Brant, Blinky Moxby (Villain, Introduction), Tiny Rufe (Introduction), Brandon (Villain), Craig Shaw (Villain), Tom Chester (Musician), Philip Brandon, Carlton Graul (Villain, Introduction), Bugs Halloway (Villain), Dean Broderick (Dies), Joe (Villain), George Brant, The Man with the Cane (Jim Mason) (Introduction, Villain), Paul Brodie, P. Motgomery Smith (Villain), Eustace Watson (Cameo), Crakewski (Musicial Conductor), Al Hatt (Introduction), Lawton, Herman the Heroic (Herman Hoskins) (Introduction), Ixnayalpay (Villain, Introduction), Brigadier General Armor, Hideki Tojo (Villain, Cameo), Carleton Shipley, Lois Lane, Watkins (Introduction, Villain), Professor Glenn Calloway, Sam Wheet, E. J. Calkins (Writer), Streak Duga (Introduction), Mr. Phelps, Dr. Jaspar Meekins, The Nazis (Villains), Heels (Death), Praline's Gang (Villains), Albert Damon (Death), Jack Morton (Villain), Lucky O'grady, The Japanese (Villain), Superman (Clark Kent), Gremlins (Villains, Introduction), Animated Mad Scientist (Villain), Sid Speed (Villain), Ultra-Humanite (Villain, Cameo), Abou Sabut (Villain, Introduction, Death), Reginald Poindexter (Actor), The Leopard (Sam Kennedy) (Villain, Introduction), Janice Crandall, Machine-Gun Mike (Villain), John Fleming, Tug Moxton (Villain), Mr. Carson, Mister Sinister (Villain, Introduction), Penton |