Character | Jim Wilkes (Intro, Villain), Willy Horan (Intro, Villain), Biff Stearns (Intro, Villain), Jeff Stobbs (Intro, Villain), Jack Platter (Intro, Villain), Quork (Villain, Introduction), Princess Eloise, Reagan, Andy Fletcher (Villain), Smugglers (Villain), Batman (Bruce Wayne), Mr. Scobey (Intro, Villain), The Rocky Carlin Gang (Intro, Villain), Pat Brady, Scanlon (Intro, Villain), Professor Erdel (Cameo, Flashback), J'onn J'onzz (Origin), Willy Jones, Horace Stone (Intro, Villain), Larry Loder (Intro), Dirk Giles, Ben Troy, Cleat Moss (Intro, Villain), Rocky Wheeler (Intro, Villain), J'onn J'onzz, Mrs. J'onzz (Intro, Supporting), John Blake, Marty Kirk (Introduction, Villain), Princess Cassandra, Baron Brujo (Intro, Villain), Jupiter (Dog), Marty, Lance Faber (Intro, Villain), Captain Wade, Burke (Intro), Kowanga, Miller (Intro, Villain), Paul Drake, The Masked Avenger (Leroy) (Intro), Zodak, Diane Meade (Intro), Firebug Smith (Jasper Craig) (Intro, Villain), John Jones Introduction, Dick Ruark, Biff Benson (Intro, Villain), Booby-Trap Bagley (Intro, Villain), Farley, Venusians (Villains), Dr. Erdel (Cameo, Flashback), Robin (Dick Grayson), Fangs Frazer (Intro, Villain), Jed Peters (Intro, Villain), Adventurers' Club, Torch Raiders, Monte Fisk, Peters, The Carlson Gang (Intro, Villain), Dirk Johnson, Lieutenant Saunders (Intro), Biff Higgins (Intro, Villain), Death, The Joss Gang, Captain Harding (Intro), Officer Slade, John Jones, Leroy Martin (Intro, Villain), Joe Ganges (Intro, Villain), Aloysius Bean (Intro), "Big Mike" Kent (Intro, Villain), Capt. Harding, Cleat Groves (Intro, Villain), A Crook (Introduction, Villain), Martians (Villain), The Vigilante Committee Roger Weems, Big Bob Michaels, Rocky Dawson (Intro, Villain), Jovians (Introduction), Martian Manhunter John Jones, Mrs. J'onzz, Commissioner Meade (Intro), Willy Ward (Intro, Villain), Roger Jones, Maegland, Biff Conklin (Intro, Villain), The Getaway Mastermind (Monty Moran) (Intro, Villain), Willie Wanger (Intro, Villain, Death), T'omm J'onzz (Intro), The Vanishing Crook (Intro, Villain), Professor Urdle Flashback, Floyd Nolan (Intro, Villain), The Conjurer (Intro, Villain), The Hanshaw Gang (Intro, Villain), Larry "Nitro" Bates (Intro, Villain), Rob Kar (Introduction, A Martian), Mobsters (Villain), Hiram Horner (Crackpot Inventor), Waldo Wilson (Introduction, Villain), Mr. J'onzz (Intro, Supporting), Stan Wheeler (Intro, Villain), The Human Flame (Mike) (Intro, Villain), Martian Canal Raiders (Intro, Villain), Captain Harding, The Buggsy Roach Gang (Intro, Villain), Martian Mandrills (Introduction, Villain), Morris (Intro, Villain), Roger Drews, "BigBoy" Benson (Intro, Villain), Trickster (Tom Trent), Mr.Big (Intro, Villain), The Phantom Thief (Jojo) (Intro, Villain), Dr. Alvin Reeves (Intro, Villain), Alex Dunster, Origin, Farrow Gang (Barney Bennett) (Intro, Villain), Tiger Raffity (Intro, Villain), The General (Intro, Villain), Mr. Mastermind (Intro, Villain), Duggin, Scads (Intro, Villain), Mr. J'onzz, "The Boss" (Intro, Villain), Danny Jensen, Lt. Saunders, Mabel Pines, John Jones (Origin), Captain Harding (Supporting), Unnamed Martian Criminal (Intro, Villain), Professor Proxon, Zeus (Intro, Villain), Jim Wade, Pigeon, Jeff Hoyt (Intro, Villain), The Human Falcon (Intro, Villain), Rod Mulloy (Intro, Villain), Sally Winters, Martian Manhunter, Daro, James Gordon, Gus Bartley (Intro, Villain), The Ex-Convicts Club The Human Squirrel (Ben Stoves), Sonny Sommers (Intro, Villain), Mike Herty (Intro, Villain), Drexel Mansfield (Intro, Villain), Hazel, Harry Moran (Intro, Villain), Mike Hanson, Lee (Intro, Villain), Larry Hart, Diane Meade (Supporting), Ben Dearing, Barry Clark, Laurence Cowan (Intro), Ted Martin (Intro), Spies (Villain), Hank (Intro, Villain), Warden Powers, Crooks (Intro, Villain), S'vor (Introduction, Villain), Captain Seely (Intro, Villain), Bert Weldon (Intro, Villain), Willie Harper (Intro, Villain), B'rett (Intro, Villain), Joey (Intro, Villain), Mr. Moth (Intro, Villain), Trigger Tom Taylor, Cameo, Dr. Mark Erdel Introduction, The Storage House Thieves (Intro, Villain), Brad Devon, Mike (Intro, Villain), Diane Meade, Prince Rudolph of Harovia, Tor (A Robot) (Introduction, Villain, Death), Number 25432 (Intro, Villain), Buggsy Baines (Intro, Villain) |