Character | Jonathan Raven, Killraven (Origin), Hawkeye (Distorted Dream Version), Arrow (Introduction), Hawk (Introduction), Old Skull (Named in this Story), Crucible Guardians (Villain, Intro), Emmanuel's Mother (Intro), Vision (Distorted Dream Version), M'shulla Scott (Introduction), Martian Master 4 (Villain), Grok, The Sirens (Villain, Introduction), Keeper Saunders, The Martian Masters (Villain, Introduction), Volcana Ash (Hallucination), High Overlord, The Thing (Distorted Dream Version), Volcana Ash, Old Skull (Cameo) (Introduction, Not Named until Next Issue), Sacrificer (Villain, Cameo), Warlord (Villain), 24 h Man (Emmanuel) (Villain, Intro, Death), Joshua Raven, Hobie (Introduction, Death), Joshua Raven (Flashback) (Killraven's Brother, Later Known As Deathraven), T'challa (Distorted Dream Version), Bloodarrow, Killraven, Adam 3031 and Eve 3031's Daughter (Born but Not Seen), The Keeper (Dr. Raker) (Death), High Overlord (Villain, Cameo), M'shulla Scott (Cameo), Arrow, The Martians (Villain, Introduction), G'rath (Villain, Intro, Death), Warr (Villain, Intro, Flashback), Skar (Villain, Destroyed), Abraxas (Villain), The Devourer (Villain, Introduction, Destroyed), Chandra (Introduction), Medusa (Distorted Dream Version), Racque (Villain, Intro, Death), The High Overlord, High Overlord (Villain), Beast (Distorted Dream Version), Witchslayer (Cotton Mather) (Villain), Hawk (Death), Mint Julep (Origin), Dagger, Rattack (Introduction, Origin, Villain), Sacrificer (Villain, Introduction), Abraham Lincoln (Cameo), Skarlet (Queen of the Sirens) (Introduction, Villain), Jonathan Storm (Distorted Dream Version), Walter J. Throgmoid (Introduction), Carmilla Frost (Guest Star), Carmilla Frost, Ann Carver (Flashback, Death), Black Bolt (Distorted Dream Version), Old Skull (Origin) (Guest Star), Atalon (Villain, Dead, Cameo), Ben Grimm (Distorted Dream Version), Melonie, Skar (Villain), Hawk (Hank Hall), Skar (Cameo), Loki Laufeyson (Distorted Dream Version), Eve 3031 (Introduction), Louie (Guest Star, Intro), Foropulist (Villain, Intro), Iron Man (Distorted Dream Version), Hodiah Twist (Introduction), Black Panther (Distorted Dream Version), Death Breeders (Cameo), Doctor Strange (Distorted Dream Version), Old Skull (Cameo), Skar (Villain, Introduction), The Warlord (Villain, Introduction), Scarlet Witch (Distorted Dream Version), Green Goblin (Villain) (Hallucination), Quicksilver (Distorted Dream Version), Professor Kempleton (Introduction, Villain), Volcana Ash (First Appearance), Wanda Maximoff (Distorted Dream Version), High Overlord (Introduction, Villain), Atalon (Villain, Death), Crucible Guardians (Cameo), Melonie (Intro, Flashback), Rattack (Villain, Death), Head Man (Introduction, Death), Giant-Man (Distorted Dream Version), Theodore Sallis (Distorted Dream Version), High Overlord (Cameo), Carmilla Frost (Origin), Volcana Ash (Origin), Kelly (Introduction), Human Torch (Distorted Dream Version), Old Skull, Mint Julep, Death Trackers (Villain, Introduction), Martian Master 12 (Introduction, Villain), Scrapper (Villain, Introduction), Hawk (Origin), Grok (Cameo), Keeper Whitman (Flashback), Thor Odinson, Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Anthony Stark (Distorted Dream Version), Namor (Distorted Dream Version), M'shulla Scott (Origin), Brother Axe (Guest Star, Intro), Martian Master 4 (Villain, Introduction), Sirens (Villain), Jenette Miller (Intro), Abraxas (Death) (Villain), Huey Duck, Death Breeders (First Appearance, Villains), M'shulla Scott, Slasher (Introduction, Villain), Old Skull's Father (Guest Star, Intro, Flashback, Death), Atalon (First Appearance, Villain), Martian Master (Villain, Death), Louie, Pietro Maximoff (Distorted Dream Version), Yellowjacket (Distorted Dream Version), Deathraven (Villain) (Killraven's Brother, Introduction), Conrad Jeavons (Introduction), Hawk (Cameo), Mainframe (Distorted Dream Version), Thor (Distorted Dream Version), Clarence (Villain), Mayor of New York, Sacrificer (Villain), Sacrificer (Villain, Death), Henry Mccoy (Distorted Dream Version), Eve 3031, Martian Master (Villain, Cameo), Iron Fist (Distorted Dream Version), Carmilla Frost (Introduction), Carmilla Frost (Cameo), Mary Jane Watson (Hallucination), Rangolar (Villain, Intro, Death), Maureen Raven (Flashback, Death) (Killraven's Mother, Introduction), Clarence (A Death Breeder) (Villain, Intro, Death), Sabre (Introduction, Villain), Martian Masters (Villain), Sacrificier (Cameo), Mint Julep (Introduction), Killraven (Origin) (Introduction), Hawk's Father (Introduction, Flashback), Matthew Murdock (Distorted Dream Version), Grok (Death, Origin), Daredevil (Distorted Dream Version), Foropulist (Death), Other Martian Masters (Villain), Adam 3031 (Introduction), Adam 3031, Volcana Ash (Cameo), Pstun-Rage (Villain, Intro, Death), Bald Eagle (Old Skull), Slave Gor, Atalon (Cameo), Medusalith Amaquelin (Distorted Dream Version), Sabre (Villain), Death Breeders (Villain), M'shulla Scott (Guest Star), Atalon (Villain), Abraxas (Villain) (Introduction), Blackagar Boltagon (Distorted Dream Version), Grok (Introduction), Jenette Miller, Mourning Prey (Intro), Artemus (Guest Star, Intro), Huey Duck (Guest Star, Intro), Man-The Thing (Distorted Dream Version), Saunders (Flashback), Deathraven (Death), Daniel Rand (Distorted Dream Version) |