Character | Origin, Sigfried (Villain, Gunther's Butler), Dom Carney (Trapeze Artist, Introduction), Lord Conquest (Villain, Introduction), Joseph Goebbels (Villain), Baroness Paula Von Gunther (Villain, Introduction), Elva King (Ed's Niece, Introduction), Naha (Villain, Dancer, Introduction), Mala, Un-Named Doctor, Queen Hippolyte, Nurse Byrnes, Captain Loyal (Captured Soldier, Introduction, Death), Nazi Agents (Villains, Introduction), Senator Deal (Introduction), Brenda Lee, The Pups (A Baseball Team, Introduction for All), Ares (Aka Mars) (Villain), Queen Hippolyte (Origin), Sam Evans (FBI Agent), General Destruction (Villain), Leroy Fontaine (Movie Producer), Captain Diaz (Introduction), Ben Black (Villain, Movie Director, Introduction), Anton, Pancho (Villain, Informant, Introduction, Death), Paula Von Gunther, Rest Unnamed (Villains, Introduction for All), Henkle (Villain), Jake Dough (Baseball Team Owner, Introduction), Pepita Valdez (Villain, Bullfighter, Introduction, Reforms), Etta Candy, Dominus (Villain, Introduction), Mr. Backer (Airplane Company President, Introduction), Eve Brown, Paula Von Gunther's Daughter, Earl of Greed (Villain, Introduction), Heinrich (Villain, Introduction), Captain Steve Trevor (Introduction), Un-Named Army Doctor, Keela Villain, Duke of Deception (Villain), The Amazons (Origin Re-Told), Olga's Allies (Villains, Introduction for All), Mammotha (Lord Conquest) (Villain, Introduction), Athena, Colonel Darnell, Dr. Poison (Princess Maru) (Villain, Nazi Scientist, Introduction), Benito Mussolini (Villain), Lieutenant Spotter (Introduction), Yvette (Villain, Von Gunther Slave, Introduction, Death), The Holliday Girls, The Nazis (Villains, Introduction for All, Many Die), Mr. Bost (A Lawyer, Introduction), Mars (Aka Ares) (Villain, God of War), Fritz, Rebla (Villain, Introduction), Japanese Spies (Villains, Introduction for All, Some Die), Dorothy Lord, Fritz Krieg (Villain, Introduction), Babs Carter (Child of Jeb and Nan, Introduction), Hermann Göring (Villain), Scriba (The Duke's Slave, Introduction), Marya (Introduction), The World Peace Society Agent X, Tommy Royden (Introduction), Diana Prince (Army Nurse), Nazi Spy Ring (Villains, Some Die), Paula Von Gunther (Villain), Doctor Althea (Amazon Doctor, Introduction), Alphonso De Gyppo (Villain, Introduction), Hercules (Introduction), Un-Named Train Porter (Introduction), Diana (Goddess of the Moon, Mention Only), Taki (Dance Manager, Introduction), Queen Desira of Eros, Ensign Martin (Introduction), Olga (Villain, Agent of Paula Von Gunther, Introduction), Duke of Deception (Villain, Aide of Ares, Introduction), Ann Maxwell, Other Un-Named Nazis (Villains, Introduction for All), Gerta Von Gunther Intro, Fatsis (Amazon), Earl of Greed (Villain), Heinrich Fritz Uber (Villain, Hitler's Chief Agent, only Mentioned), Un-Named Japanese Agent (Villain, Introduction), Nan Carter (Jeb's Wife, Introduction), The Japanese (Villains), Queen Hippolyta (As Hippolyte) (Introduction, Diana's Mother, Queen of the Amazons), Molly, Torrence "Slugger" Mcgee (Villain, Introduction), Eve Brown (Introduction. Lila's Sister), The White's Un-Named Baby, Wonder Woman (Princess Diana) (Introduction, Origin), Dr. I. M. Cue (Togo Ku) (Villains, Introduction for All), Nazi Soldiers and Spies Kipp, Carla Swanson, Intro, Aphrodite (Goddess), Baroness Paul Von Gunther (Villain), Freddy (Warden's Son, Introduction), Colonel Adolph Schultz (Villain, Gestapo Agent), General Hammi (Duke of Deception) (Villain), Baron Gottfried Von Gunther (Flashback), Aphrodite, Zoe (Amazon), Gloria Bullfinch (Department Store Owner, Introduction), Ed King (Circus Owner, Introduction), Hercules (Flashback), General Destruction (Villain, Are's Aide-De-Camp, Introduction), Fritz (Villain), Wonder Woman (Diana Prince), General Hard, Hercules (Villain), Apollo, Agent X-49 (Jim Blake) (Spy, Introduction), Athena (Goddess of Wisdom), Teddy Carter (Child of Jeb and Nan, Introduction), Satan (Saturnian Slave, Introduction), Al Kale (A Promoter), Lila Brown (Introduction, Trevor's Secretary), Von Storm (Villain), Dan White (Diana's Husband, Introduction), Dr. Hellas (Famed Archaeologist), Hippolyte, Mala (Introduction), San Yan (Villain, Head Elephant Keeper of the Circus, Introduction), Jeb Carter (Introduction), Swipe (Villain, Prison Guard, Introduction, Death), Tiva (Martian Slave, Introduction), X-46 (Agent Gross) (Villain, Introduction), Reforms, Group of Burmese Men (Villains, Circus Employees, Introduction for All), Mike Mulgoon (Villain, Head of Strongarm Protective Association, Introduction), Mrs. Royden (Tommy's Mother, Introduction), Lila Brown, Diana Prince White, Paula Von Gunther Villain, Dr. Prexy Deacon (Villain, President of Holliday College), Emperor Hirohito (Villain), Slug (Villain, Introduction), Mrs. Lansing, Mr. Googins (Villain, Manager of A Department Store), Admiral Funston, Police Chief, Steve Trevor, The Nazis (Villains, Saboteurs), Un-Named President of the Corrida (Introduction), Mabel (Warden's Daughter, Introduction), Dr. Sands (Submarine Inventor), Aphrodite (Goddess of Love and Beauty, Introduction), Count Crafti (Don Unaldi) (Villain, Introduction), Carl Natz (Villain, Introduction), Adolf Hitler (Villain), Guigi Del Slimo (Villain, Fortune Hunter), Beth (Co-Worker of Diana Prince), Private Mint Candy (Etta's Brother, Introduction), The Nazis (Villains), Baroness Paula Von Gunther (Villain, Death), Kibby Maxwell, Enid Harper (Death), Dolly Dancer (Villain, A Spy, Introduction) , Ishti (Villain, Spy, Introduction), Un-Named Prison Warden (Introduction), Others Un-Named (Introduction for All), Mike Mulgoon (Villain, Introduction), Lord Conquest (Villain), Wonder Woman (Diana Prince) (Origin Re-Told), Fir Balsam (Intro, A Talking Tree), The Amazons Metala, Helen |