Artist/Writer | Don Warfield, Roger Slifer, Frank Giacoia, Dianne Buscema, Billy Graham, Len Wein, Marie Severin, Janice Cohen, Gerry Conway, Lee Elias, Michele Wolfman, Bob Brown, Frank Springer, Dave Hunt, Klaus Janson, George Pérez, Stan Goldberg, Linda Lessmann, Fred Kida, ? [As the Crusty Bunkers], Jim Mooney, Vince Colletta, Aubrey Bradford, Alex Niño, Chris Claremont, Bill Mantlo, Paul Reinman, Mimi Gold, Ed Hannigan, Marv Wolfman, Archie Goodwin, Tony Isabella, Jim Shooter, Ron Wilson, George Roussos, Rich Buckler, Petra Goldberg, Bob Smith, Glynis Oliver, George Tuska, Keith Pollard, Tom Palmer, Andrea Hunt, Frank Mclaughlin, Phil Rachelson, Frank Robbins, Al Mcwilliams, Don Mcgregor, Neal Adams, Bonnie Wilford, Sal Buscema, Arvell Jones, Steve Englehart, Joe Giella, Syd Shores, John Romita |
Character | Bill Foster (First Appearance As Black Goliath, Origin), General Manntoff, Nick Carlo (Death), Comanche (Antagonist) (First Appearance), Quartu (Robot, Introduction, Death), The Thing, Mangler (Daniels) (Spear's Brother, Introduction), Reva, Phantom of 42nd Street (Death) (Antagonist) (First Appearance), Sandra Simmons (Introduction), Orville Smythe (Introduction), Big Brother Villain, Flea, Daredevil (Flashback), Live Wire (Also in Flashback), Hank Pym (Cameo), Shrike (Villain, Introduction), Julius, Phil Fox (First Appearance), Dobbs Villain, Mike, Selma Pennington, Zelda Dubois, Dr. Mcguffin (Flashback), Ringmaster, Bruto the Strongman (Cameo), Maynard Tiboldt, Comanche (Villain), Morgan (Introduction), Secundus (Robot, Introduction, Death), Winnifred (Introduction), Reed Richards, Flea (Death), Jeremy Drake (Introduction), Doctor Doom (Victor Von Doom), Power Man (Erik Josten), Auggie Simmons (Introduction, Death), Big Ben Donovan (Guest), Morgan, Death, Lonny, Curly and His Gang (Introduction), Big Brother (Villain), Willie Dance (Villain) (Introduction), Cockroach Hamilton (Villain), Mr. Fish (Villain, Introduction, Death), Zzzax (Villain), Clark Seacrest (Death), Checkpoint Charlie (Villain), Willis Harold Stryker, Al (Antagonist), Burgundy (Introduction), Funny Man (Cameo), Charlton Grundge Villain, Senor Suerte Senor Muerte, Intro, Mrs. Alejandro Cortez (Introduction), Mrs. Daniels Introduction, Funny Man, Luke Cage (Origin Retold), Luke Cage (Flashback) (Featured), Luke Cage (Origin) (Featured) (First Appearance), Ike (Introduction), Spider-Man (Peter Parker) (Flashback), Lonnie Carver Introduction, Gideon Mace (Death) (Antagonist) (First Appearance), Power Man (Featured), Black Mariah (Antagonist) (First Appearance), Thunderbolt (Bill Carver) (Introduction), Zooka (Introduction), Shinytop Villain, Princess Python, Mrs. Frank Jenks, Billy Bob Rackham (Villain), Chemistro (Arch Morton) (Villain, Introduction), Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Charlton Grudge (Death), Piranha Jones (Villain, Introduction), Discus (Tim Stuart) (Introduction), Claire Temple (Supporting) (First Appearance), Luke Cage (Featured), Iron Man (Tony Stark), Black Goliath (First Appearance As Black Goliath, Origin in Flashback), Quentin Chase's Daughter (Introduction), Burgundy's Husband, Janos Trevorik (Villain, Introduction), Mister Fantastic, Chemistro (Curtis Carr) Villain, Goldbug (Jack Smith) Villain, Sakura (Death), Mr. Coyne, Punisher (Flashback), Victor Von Doom, Cornell Cottonmouth, Peppy Rocco, Human Torch, Catherine Forsythe (Introduction), PowerMan, Great Gambonnos (Also in Flashback), Terry, Maxwell Plumm, Bill Foster, Spear (Introduction), Quentin Chase (Introduction), Dr. Noah Burstein (Supporting) (First Appearance), Luke Cage, Hero for Hire, Samantha Sheridan, B. K. (Introduction), Mr. Death, Flashback, Willis Harold Stryker (Antagonist) (First Appearance), Rancé Preston, Thunderbolt (Bill Carver), Claire Temple (Also in Flashback), Alex Simmons (Introduction), Primus (Robot, Introduction, Death), Johnny Storm, Death?, Ramon, Jeremy Drake, Big Brother (Villain, Introduction), Chemistro (Arch Morton) (Villain), Baron (Villain), J. Jonah Jameson, Charlton Grundge (Villain), Laura Forsythe (Introduction), Medusa (Cameo Flashback), Goliath (Cameo), Carlos, Mark Revel (Introduction, Death), Elliot Franklin, Diamondback (Antagonist) (First Appearance), Medusalith Amaquelin Boltagon, John, Ringmaster (Also in Flashback), Quirt, The Thing (Cameo Flashback), Flea (Villain), Mike (Introduction), Quentin Chase, Danny, Murph (Introduction), Jack Daniels Introduction, Mother of Jack, Spear, and Mangler, Tertius (Robot, Introduction, Death), Beth Simmons (Introduction), Billy Bob Rackham (First Appearance), Ethyl Paprika (Introduction), Piranha Jones (Villain), Livewire, Moses Magnum (Villain), Tina Charlie's Wife, Mr. Slick (Death), Dave Griffith (Supporting) (First Appearance), Frank Jenks (Death) (First Appearance), Stiletto (Tom Stuart) (Villain, Introduction), Oliver P. Sneagle (Introduction), Thunderbolt Origin, Black Goliath, Christie Chase (Introduction), Mr. Death (Introduction), Bruto the Strongman (Also in Flashback), Introduction, Will Robinson (Introduction, Death), Mister Fantastic (Cameo Flashback), Power Man (Luke Cage), D.W. Griffith, Alexandria Knox (Introduction), Phil Fox, Ike, D. W. Griffith, Grassy Moss (Villain, Introduction), Flea (Supporting), Burgundy, Raymond Huxley Forsythe, Sr. (Introduction), Charlie Villain, Mrs. Jenks, A Sniper, Stiletto, Cockroach Hamilton Villain, Mimi Jenks (Supporting) (First Appearance), Sol, Carl (Antagonist), Medusa, Precious (Cameo), Marley Villain, Jaime Introduction, Checkpoint Charlie (Villain, Introduction), Spear, Gideon Mace (Villain), Shades (Antagonist) (First Appearance), Steeplejack (Jake Mallard) (Introduction, Death), Princess Python (Cameo), Shades, Spear (Villain), Philip Fox, Bruce Olafsen, Daredevil (Matt Murdock), Claire Temple, Cheshire Cat Villain, Manfred, Adrian Loring (Introduction, Flashback), Carlotta (Introduction), Phil Fox (Death), Luke Cage, Faceless One, Cheshire Cat (Villain), Diamondback (Death) (Antagonist), Mangler (Villain), Zooka, Curtin Villain, Great Gambonnos, Tyler Stuart, Bernie Steinsinger (Introduction), Robert Fredrick Forsythe (Introduction), Big Ben Donovan, Wildfire (Harold Paprika) (Introduction), Owen Ridgely (Death), Ben Grimm, Gadget (Antagonist) (First Appearance), Frank Jenks (Flashback), Bob (Antagonist), Shades (Villain), Gideon Mace, Georgie Simms, Billy Bob Rackham (Villain, Dies), Comanche, Cheshire Cat (Villain, Introduction), Mr. Slick (Introduction), Bruno Murphy (Villain, Intro, Death), Lionfang (Alejandro Cortez) (Introduction, Death), Brother of Spear and Mangler, Amanda Sheridan (Introduction), Carol Ridgely (Flashback), Cornell Cottonmouth (Introduction), Jasper Brunt (Villain, Introduction, Death), X the Marvel (Villain) (Introduction), Grassy Moss, Noah Burstein, Bertha, Phantom of 42nd Street (Antagonist) (First Appearance), Goldbug (Villain), Elliot Franklin (Cameo) |