Character | Black Elk, Alice Paul, Victims of Kent State Massacre, Salvador Cisneros Betancourt, General Fazlollah Zahedi, Madeleine Albright, Gary Payton, Ngo Dinh Diem, John Dillinger Shaw, William Cohen, Doughboy, Wovoka, Bill Clinton, Dwight D Eisenhower, Zoot Suiters, Whitney Young, Henry Cabot Lodge, Jimmy Carter, Sioux Indians under Attack at Wounded Knee, Profiteer, Leon, Mrs Pullman, Woody Guthrie (Singer/Narrator), Kermit Roosevelt (The Younger), Mohammad Mossadegh, Nguyen Cao Ky, Anastasio Somoza, Bartolomeo Vanzetti, Joseph Stalin, Ronald Reagan, Phil Berrigan, Mark Twain, Gary Hart, Dan Berrigan, Soldiers of the 25th Infantry, Donald Rumsfeld, Us Agents, Sgt Frank W Pullen, Us Soldiers, George Pullman, Tomas, Bill Breeden, Colonel Nematollah Nasiri, Osama Bin Laden, Dukhobors, Mme Nhu, Paul Von Hindenburg, Teenage Fans, Residents of Hiroshima, "Big Jay" Mcneely, Richard Nixon, John F Kennedy, Oglala Sioux, Howard Zinn, Commodore George Dewey, Air Forces Officers, Admiral George Dewey, Johnny Otis, George H W Bush, John Bull (Cameo), New York City Police, Moro Fighters, William Casey, John Poindexter, General Arthur Macarthur, William Randolph Hearst, John Dolphin, Nguyen Van Thieu, Daniel Ellsberg, Dr Irene Jackson, Iranian Protestors, Jp Morgan, Uncle Sam (Cameo), Francois Georges Picot, Bob Moses, Frederick Remington (Cameo), Spanish Soldiers, Nicola Sacco, Augusto Sandino, Alfred Thayer Mahan, William Gaines (Cameo), Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Police, Eh Hurst, Viet Cong Soldier, Civil Rights Demonstrators, Spelman College Students, William McKinley, Tony Russo, Victims of Jackson State Massacre, Colorado National Guardsmen, Big Jay, MaxiMo Gomez, Carlos Manuel De Cespedes, George Hw Bush, Richard Harding Davis, Web Du Bois, New York City Neighborhood Dwellers, Martin Luther King, Uncle Sam, Rough Riders, Strikers, Buddhist Protestors, FBI Agents, Sheldon W Smith, Dizzy Gillespie, Roslyn Schecter Zinn, Richard Harding Davis (Cameo), John Foster Dulles, Eddie Zinn, Tail Gunner, Mennonites, Jose Marti, Jay Gould, Clement Atlee, Communist Demonstrators, Donald Wilber, Kate Richards O'hare, Raymond Bonner, General H Norman Schwartzkopf (The Elder), William Grayson, Capitalism, John D Rockefeller, Cavalry, The Yellow Kid (Cameo), Rebels of the Atlacatl Battalion, Striking Mine Families, Freedom Riders, H Rap Brown, George W Bush, Pullman Workers, Phil Ochs, Henry Kissinger, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Bread and Puppet Theater Performers, Herb Carter, Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr, Yellow Bird, Gregorio Sandino, Molokans, Mark Sykes, Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi, Us Troops, Herbert Lee, Clemencia Arango, Antonio Maceo Grajales, Harry Truman, Liberto, Dr Charles Drew, White Public Librarian, Hugh Thompson, Cuban Rebels, Neil Sheehan, Jenny Zinn, Woodrow Wilson, Howard Zinn (Narrator), Villagers of My Lai, North Vietnamese, Franklin D Roosevelt, Villages of El Mozote, Count Basie, Emma Goldman, Governor Elias Ammons, Gerald Ford, Bigfoot, Robert Wilcox, Lyndon B Johnson, Emilio Aguinaldo, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Nicaraguan Demonstrators, Theodore Roosevelt, Members of the Industrial Workers of the World, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Eugene V Debs |